Thursday, February 18, 2010

USCCB Groupies Are Circling Their Wagons!

Deal Hudson recently wrote a piece about faithful Catholics "throwing tea bags at the USCCB".  In that article, he spells out some of the damage that the USCCB has done to the Church in the USA.  This type of article, the videos from Real Catholic TV and the information found on various blogs (including this one, thank you!) are shining some much-needed light on some sinister cockroaches.

Well, now the USCCB and cronies are getting ansty and angry.  They know the more they are exposed, the more likely the possibility that their power and wealth will diminish.  Watch the latest video from Real Catholic TV as Voris expounds on this.

The US Catholic article that Voris mentions is here.  Here's a telling comment by Bryan Cones, the author.  I quote, "I get why some Catholics choose to be single-issue voters on abortion, and if that's where their consciences lead them, they should. But I still argue that I'm on solid moral ground in considering the broad swath of issues when I vote, as well as exercising prudence in choosing the social policies that I think will have the most effect for the sake of the poor and weak, including the unborn."  That says it all, doesn't it?  Frankly, it shoots his credibility right down to you-know-where.

Gee-willikers!  Hudson gets this treatment because he sheds light on the misdeeds of the USCCB.  Some of us are calling for the abolition of the USCCB.  US Catholic, bring it on!  As the video above makes very clear, we are loaded for bear!  (Oops!  I realize that isn't very "carbon-fast friendly!  Mea culpa!)

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