Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MD Attorney General "Rules" on Same Sex Marriage

According to MD Attorney General Doug Gansler, Maryland state agencies must recognize same-sex marriage, even though Maryland law recognizes marriage as being between a man and a woman.  One account of this is in the LA Times.  I put the word "rules" in quotes because Gansler is overstepping the constitutional bounds of his office in overriding clearly-written Maryland law.  He opines that "this will ultimately be resolved in the courts."

Notice how he conducted himself as a true liberal demagogue. 
  1. He issued his own extra-constitutional "ruling" by imperious, if invalid, verbal fiat
  2. He disregarded already-existing state law.  Attorney Generals are supposed to enforce it, not re-write it
  3. He makes clear his reliance upon judicial action to override the will of the people.  Don't all left-wingers do that?
Representative Don Dwyer stated that he intends to commence impeachment proceedings against Gansler for overstepping his constitutional bounds and violating his oath of office.  I thank the Lord for courageous men like Don Dwyer.  Now I must ask, "Where, oh where, is the Church in all of this?  Will they speak out?"

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